Wednesday, December 12, 2012

The little things

I woke this morning to a very cold apartment. Not sure if I have mentioned, but I don't use my heat often. It's an air conditioning unit that sits in the corner that can also provide heat. I am not very fond of it. I miss central heating. I also am unsure of how much it is costing me, so I'd rather keep it on as little as possible. I have enough blankets on my bed to stay bundled up through the night. Plus I wear at least 3 layers of clothing to sleep in. But, when I went to open the curtains, I found snow!!!! I love snow. I just feel like it makes everything better. I feel kind of like a child who is hoping for a snow day from school. It always makes me happy.
This is the view out my window every morning.

Most of the snow on the roofs is gone now, but it is still on the sidewalks. Its supposed to snow again Thursday night and Friday. Hopefully there won't be any flooding like last time. I am not equipped to walk in rivers of water. Maybe I should invest in some rain boots....

But, it did give me a good excuse to stay in today. I finished reading a book Michael recommended. Flowers in The Attic. Was written in the 80's. Wasn't my fav. Still trying to figure it out. It was very slow. I skimmed the end of it. Which proved to be not as exhilarating as I had expected. But, thank you for the recommendation Michael. I watched the movie right after, and found that even worse. It was worth watching because I had read the book. But I would not recommend the movie to anyone. Hahaha.

I studied for a test tomorrow as well. I have to take the TKT which is the Teachers Knowledge Test to be further certified as an teacher of English as a second language. Don't think it is any use to me in the States, but I guess it doesn't hurt, and the school pays for it.

Also, spoke with Grad school some more. When I go back for my visit I will be meeting with the teacher I will intern with. I will be working at a school in Kent, so guess I will be living with the parents. Ut Oh. Don't know how that's going to work out for all of us, but I will be done in a year, so, I think if I can survive living in China alone, I can survive my parents house again. I'll let you know how I feel a year from now. Ha. I will be starting school as soon as I get back in Seattle, so I will have to try and find something in that area, maybe temporarily. I won't have much money, so it will be tight, but I don't really care as long as I have a place to sleep. I can study and get my work done on campus and then just need to crash somewhere. I have grown an appreciation of having very little when I sold everything I owned and moved to China. I do live on the bare minimum and even then I'm sure I could cut down on even more. Here's my attempt at saving money for next year, eating healthier, and succeeding my goals. I think I have found my New Years resolutions. My last one for next year is to not drink for at least 6 months. Not saying I drink a lot, don't get me wrong. Just want to push myself to have more will power. Because I know I can. If I can succeed in saving money, eating healthier, and not drinking, I can sure as well do anything.

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